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The Risers Give Back: SPM Students Receive Free Workshops and Tuition

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16 Feb 2021

5 Min Read

Josephine Serena (Editor)


Supporting SPM Students in Their Exam Journey

Studying from home has not been an easy feat for many high school students and even more so for those who are soon to be sitting for their SPM examinations which have been postponed since last year. 


Hence, The Risers community, along with partners from YouthWorld Development and UniEnrol, helped support students facing challenges in their exam preparations with workshops and masterclasses. Among the subjects covered were Bahasa Malaysia, English, Sejarah, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accounting, Economy, and Business conducted by experienced teachers who are also SPM examiners. 


Additionally, Shahmalarani Chandran, our Risers’ ambassador, Taylor’s Sports Scholar, and Actuarial Science graduate, offered her expertise through a Maths workshop, on 23 January, where she helped guide and answer SPM mathematical questions. 


On top of that, Dr Sivabala Naidu, a Taylor’s academic and seasoned English Language teacher, facilitated an SPM English workshop on 6 February whereby he shared tips and tricks to help students ace the paper. 


Besides the multiple workshops, The Risers community is constantly engaging with students by making full use of The Risers app, sharing relevant topics on Learning, Study Tips, and Mindfulness that will help in their final exam preparations. 


To top it off, The Risers has also launched an online SPM tuition sponsorship programme for 2021 Form 5 students, in partnership with YouthWorld. Through this programme, 500 students from all over Malaysia will be able to enjoy a 3-month free online tuition including core subjects such as Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mathematics, and Sejarah.


The Risers community is glad to support students through their journey towards achieving academic excellence. Finally, we’d like to wish all SPM 2020 students the best of luck in their preparations to sit for the major examinations. Remember to stay safe and hydrated!

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