Make your college life a wholesome journey! With The Risers’ community, you’ll constantly learn new skills, be sparked by bright ideas, and be geared to take actions that will lead you to become an all-rounded individual.
Make your college life a wholesome journey! With The Risers’ community, you’ll constantly learn new skills, be sparked by bright ideas, and be geared to take actions that will lead you to become an all-rounded individual.
with like-minded peers nationwide
with fresh skills & knowledge needed in school and beyond
each other to make things happen
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The Risers’ secondary school outreach programmes are all about helping students unlock their potential and discover what excites them. From interactive workshops and vibrant campus tours to inspiring talks with industry experts, we create opportunities to explore passions, uncover career paths, and get a glimpse of life at Taylor’s. It’s all about empowering young minds to dream big and take confident steps towards their future.
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