It’s Mother’s Day! Here’s a simple Mother’s Day letter written by our student writer, Sonia, to her mum and, of course, to all mums everywhere!
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12 May 2023
4 Min Read
Sonia Rachel Michael (Guest Contributor), Josephine Serena (Editor)
It’s Mother’s Day! Here’s a simple Mother’s Day letter written by our student writer, Sonia, to her mum and, of course, to all mums everywhere!
Mummy, Ma, Mum, Mother — these words describe the same person that many of us love and adore, and, yes, although the second Sunday of May is Mother’s Day and is when we celebrate our mums, we should actually show appreciation to our mothers every day.
Every time a baby is born, a mother is also born. However, the part that we rarely pay attention to is how much change will happen the minute you become a mother… and will never stop changing. This is when you start raising your child, watching them grow day by day, wondering if they’ll have a family of their own, hoping that they’ll have a bright future, and that they’ll be happy and content with their life. A mother’s love for her child is incalculable because the moment a baby is formed in the womb, the love of the child for her mother and the love of the mother for her child had begun. So here’s a Mother’s Day letter to all mothers out there!
Have you told your mum you love her yet? Don’t be shy about your love for your mum! Go and tell her how much you love her — after all, that’s the Mother’s Day gift that matters most. To all mothers and motherly figures, thank you for being a mother to us. Happy Mother’s Day!
Sonia Rachel Michael pursues a Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in International Relations at Taylor’s University. She is also a committee member of Taylor’s University Student Council.