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Taylor’s Library: 10 Facilities All Taylorians Should Know

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30 Nov 2022

6 Min Read

Michelle Lee Shu Ling (Guest Contributor), Josephine Serena (Editor)


How many facilities can you name at Taylor’s Library? Taylorian Michelle shares some handy tips for Taylorians to make use of the library!

The library is one of my favourite spots on campus! Each morning, the cheerful, translucent-looking automated doors welcome student after student, both sides opening wide enough to embrace them with a nice, warm hug. The quietness grows as you step foot deeper and deeper into the hollow depths of the library. You could hear a steady rhythm from the silence within, the voice of the library’s heart beating ever so steadily. The silence, serenity, and solitude. What’s there not to like about the library?


Taylor’s Library Campus is located at Level 2 Block C, directly opposite of the Student’s Leadership and Developments Center. From Mondays to Fridays, the library operates from 8am to 8pm, 9am to 1pm on Saturdays, and is closed on Sundays as well as public holidays. Our campus library has a total of 5 levels and consists of many useful facilities listed below.

1. 24-Hour Study Spaces

24-Hour Study Spaces

The 24-Hour Study Spaces are located at Block C, Level 2 of the campus. You can find it on the left, adjacent to the main entrance of the library. These study spaces are open for use for 24 hours with 67 individual seating with power points and are strictly for use by the Taylor’s community only. Therefore, only with a valid Taylor’s ID card can a Taylorian enter.


Any issues should be reported to the security officer on duty 8pm onwards. During final exams, my friends and I would drown ourselves in hours of silent revision in these study spaces. 

2. Book Return Drop Boxes

Taylor’s library operates on an automated book return system. How does this work? It’s simple. There are multiple drop boxes placed at Taylor’s library. All you need to do is place the material you intend to return into one of the drop boxes in the library.


Initially, I preferred returning my borrowed books manually through the presence of a librarian. However, I began realising that this self-method saves time and teaches me to be independent when returning  books. 

3. Computer and Mac Labs

Computer and Mac Labs

The computer and Mac labs function on a first-come-first-served basis. The Mac lab is located on Level 3 of the library, behind the printing area, alongside the computer lab located right beside it.


All the computers and Macs in the labs have access to various softwares including Microsoft Office, Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe Illustrator 2020, Adobe After Effect 2020, Adobe Animate, and QuickTime Player 10.5. Personally, I’d use these applications to design posters for my clubs and societies, print large files of past year papers, etc.

4. Discussion Rooms

Discussion Rooms

Library's discussion rooms can be booked manually at the enquiry desk right after you’ve entered the library, on a first-come-first-served basis, and you’re required to leave your student IDs at the desk. These discussion rooms are located from Level 3 onwards and can be classified into 3 different types:


Standard discussion rooms

I’d usually use this discussion room for group study sessions and discussions only. When using these rooms, you’ve a maximum of 2 hours and can book them when in a group of 4-8 persons. 


Discussion rooms with interactive white board (IWB)

I’d book this discussion room for presentations and group discussions. Also, you’ll be required to download the software and connect their laptop to the interactive white board to utilise it when presenting. Don’t worry, there’s an instruction manual placed in every IWB discussion room on how to use it. 


Multimedia rooms

I’d usually opt for these discussion rooms for presentations and discussions as well.

5. Library Zoning

There’s a reason why Taylor’s library has more than one floor. The library is zoned according to each floor as each floor functions differently. 


On Level 2, students will see the library counter where a group of librarians would sit to solve any issues or matters, a corner which consists of a bookshelf of reserved books, a cosy reading corner, and a cafe named Richiamo. You’ll notice that the silence grows as you ascend each level of the library.  


On Level 3, students have access to an Open Collaborative area, where no loud and disruptive behaviour will be tolerated. Phone usage is allowed here with minimal conversation. 


On Level 4, students enter a ‘Quiet Study’ space, where they can hold whispered conversations only and all phones must be silenced. 


On Level 5, students are greeted by the ‘Individual Silent Study’ stations, where students must stay silent and talking isn’t permitted. 

6. Self-service Loan

Self-service Loan

The self-service loan in Taylor’s Library works similarly to the automated book return system. This service encourages all students and library users to borrow books independently and efficiently which allows librarians to utilise their time to help students resolve issues. 


Not to fear if it’s your first time! If you’re confused, the instructions are pasted on the screen next to the machine to ease borrowers through the checkout process.

7. Print.On.Demand (POD)

Print.On.Demand (POD)

The printing services can be found on Level 3 and 4 of the library. With multiple printers present,  this has enabled students to easily print, copy, and scan documents with speed, quality, and convenience. Furthermore, the printers allow copying, scanning, and printing in both black and in colour!

8. Theatrette


The Theatrette is located on Level 3 of the library. The theatrette is used to screen documentaries and films related to academic studies. The theatrette can fit a total of 25 people. Lecturers usually book the theatrette to give students a feel of the many modes of teaching and learning to keep them engaged in a lesson.


However, students can use the theatrette as well! Take note that advanced booking online is necessary.

9. Seating areas

There are multiple seating areas around Taylor’s library. There are a few bean bags and a cosy seating corner on Level 2 and couches on Level 3 of the library. After a long tiring day of lectures and tutorials, I’d find myself diving into one of the cosy couches with a warm cup of beverage from Richiamo and a novel from the library! 

10. Richiamo


Located straight from the main entrance of the library on Level 2 is Richiamo. The cafe is next to the lift that allows students to reach different levels with ease and convenience. With its large and spacious interior, there’s  an abundance of seating areas to allow students to hang around.


The cafe serves food and beverages ranging from sandwiches, lasagna, cakes, pastries, and fruit smoothies! My go-to order when in Richiamo is a nice, warm cup of matcha latte and a plate of lasagna. 


So, what are you waiting for? Come and pay our Taylor’s Library Campus a visit to maximise all the useful facilities available there! Of course, do bring your friends along with you. As they say, the more the merrier! 

So, what are you waiting for? Come and visit our Taylor’s Library Campus to maximise all the useful facilities available there! Of course, do bring your friends along with you. As they say, the more the merrier! 
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