Find out what's your personality type based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) here!
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01 Nov 2021
4 Min Read
Heng Jui Ching (Guest Contributor), Josephine Serena(Editor)
Find out what's your personality type based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) here!
Have you ever heard your friends describing themselves as an ESTJ or an INFP, and proceed to wonder what these cryptic-sounding abbreviations mean? Chances are, they are referring to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
Also known as the MBTI test, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a test to identify which of the 16 personalities an individual is. By knowing your type, you’ll be able to depict individual differences, understand strengths, weaknesses, and even romantic compatibility with other personalities from just a quick and simple list of 100 objective questions. It’s no wonder the MBTI test is one of the most widely-used psychological tools in the world.
There are 16 different combinations called sociotypes that can be derived from the test:
ESTJ (The Executive), ENTJ (The Commander), ESFJ (The Consul), ENFJ (The Protagonist), ISTJ (The Logistician), ISFJ (The Defender), INTJ (The Architect), INFJ (The Advocate), ESTP (The Entrepreneur), ESFP (The Entertainer), ENTP (The Debater), ENFP (The Campaigner), ISTP (The Virtuoso), ISFP (The Adventurer), INTP (The Logician), & INFP (The Mediator).
That being said, which of the 16 personalities are you? Here’s a list of questions, simplified from the 100 objective questions for you, to assess which type of personality you are based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Remember: Don't overthink it! Your first subconscious answer is more accurate than you think!
According to MBTI, the extraversion-introversion dichotomy explores how one interacts with the people around them. In other words: are you an extrovert or an introvert? Though it can occasionally be difficult to draw a clear line between the former and the latter (thus why ambiverts exist), its dictation can be summarised with an answer to one major question:
Do you gain or lose energy when you interact with people?
If you’ve chosen the former, you most likely fall under Extraversion (E). Extraverts (often spelled extroverts) tend to be more action-oriented and would enjoy frequent social interaction as it’s a form of energy recharge.
If you've chosen the latter, you fall under Introversion (I). Introverts tend to be more introspective, enjoy fostering a deeper connection with people, and often feel recharged spending alone-time.
The sensing-intuition dichotomy of MBTI explores how one gathers information from their environment. A common relation made from this dichotomy is the contrast between the left and the right brain. Objectivity or subjectivity? Maths and science, or art and language?
If you’re one who’s more inclined to being highly practical, pragmatic, and down to earth, you’d fall under Sensing (S). Individuals who fall under this category are observers. They tend to focus on facts and details, and on what’s happening and has already happened.
If you’re one who’s more inclined to envision the possibilities that lie ahead, you’d fall under the Intuition (N). Individuals under this category are often imaginative and curious. They tend to focus on patterns and impressions, and would search for implicit meanings.
PS: Does learning about personalities using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) intrigue you? With a Foundation in Science and Bachelor of Psychology, you'll be on your way to discover human behaviours and maybe create a quiz of your own too!
The thinking-feeling dichotomy in MBTI explores how one makes a decision from information gathered from their environment and how we cope with emotions. A simple dictating question: efficiency or welfare in a team?
To fall under the Thinking (T) category would mean being more inclined to sacrifice team harmony for efficiency.
Thinking individuals focus more on rationality and objectivity. They tend to prioritise logic over emotions, and would view efficiency as an utmost priority rather than the heart-to-heart cooperation of a team.
On the other hand, Feeling (F) individuals are more sensitive and emotionally expressive. If you’re a ‘feelings-over-facts’ type of person, you’d fall under this category. You’re more empathetic and would strive to consider others feelings before arriving at a conclusion or a decision.
The judging-perceiving dichotomy in MBTI explores how one deals with the environment around them and reflects one’s work ethics. If you’re one who likes having a to-do list or dislike unplanned circumstances, you’d fall under the Judging (J) category.
Judging personalities value clarity, structure and predictability, and would tend to prefer planning thoroughly before execution.
However, if you love spontaneous adventures and the beauty of winging a presentation or speech, you’d fall under the Perceiving (P) category. Perceiving individuals excel in improvising! They tend to be more flexible, adaptable, and more open to changes around them.
Think you've put the right personality traits together with these 4 questions? Try out the full MBTI test for a more comprehensive result! By knowing which of the 16 personality types you are, your love language!
Although the MBTI test is a popular instrument that has reached the standard of reliability and validity, some would argue that the human personality is too complex to be categorised.
On another note, the goal of the MBTI test is simply to offer the fundamentals of your own unique personality, some you might not have realised prior to taking the test! Your ever-changing personality is not based on the MBTI test, but rather what you make yourself to be!
So, have you learned something more about yourself today?