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5 Ways to Create a Conducive Learning Environment for Students

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03 Nov 2020

5 Min Read

The Risers Team (Contributor)


It goes without saying that our surroundings affect us consciously and subconsciously. The environment we are in can motivate us to focus on our tasks or cause distractions that will make us lose concentration. For students, the environment where they learn and study affects their productivity.


As students spend a significant 6 to 7 hours of their time daily in their classrooms, it is essential for educators to ensure that their students have a conducive environment that promotes learning. Creating a space that promotes learning amongst students does not just benefit the students, as teachers will also find it easier and more enjoyable to teach students who are focused on their lessons.


Instead of the boring classroom setting with the teacher by the blackboard and students in rows of tables, here are five things that you as a teacher can do to create a comfortable environment for your students:

#1 Create a classroom that encourages interaction

Teachers can come out with thought-provoking topics that require the students to think and share their opinions with no prejudice. Having discussions and even debates promotes creativity and critical thinking, which are important life skills that students should inculcate while they are still in school.


Planned interaction also gives quieter students the opportunity to express themselves where they would normally not speak up.

A teacher interacts with students

Rather than a classroom where only the teacher speaks and the students merely listen, create one that promotes interaction, be it amongst students themselves or between teachers and students. Conversations are great for making lessons more entertaining for students, as this makes learning more than just about listening, copying down notes, and doing homework.


Teachers can come out with thought-provoking topics that require the students to think and share their opinions with no prejudice. Having discussions and even debates promotes creativity and critical thinking, which are important life skills that students should inculcate while they are still in school. Planned interaction also gives quieter students the opportunity to express themselves where they would normally not speak up.

#2 Make the best out of your classroom space

Students spend a significant amount of their time in school, with the majority of this time being in the classroom. Therefore, the layout and arrangement of the classroom should be one that encourages students to be productive. Instead of sticking to the typical classroom arrangement that we are so accustomed to, opt to have different sections of the room with each serving a specific purpose. 

A clear and clean classroom space

For example, a quiet corner for students to study, a discussion area for students to have discussions, a fun corner where students can play games, etc. This enables both the students and teachers to better utilise the classroom to facilitate the learning and teaching process.


As a start, experiment and try out different layouts that give both teachers and students the opportunity to interact better. A great seating arrangement to start out with is to have the students sit in a semi-circle in front of the teacher. This enables the teachers to be within close proximity with the students thus being able to communicate with them more effectively and at a more personal level.

#3 Play with colours

Studies have shown that colours stimulate the brain, therefore work with colours to create a vibrant and lively environment that supports creativity and learning. A colourful classroom not only helps to stimulate the brain, it also helps students to stay focused and refreshed when studying.


However, it is important to note that the classroom should not have colours like bright red and orange as they might over-stimulate the learners instead.

Colourful chairs creates vibrant atmosphere of the classroom

A great way to instantly add pops of colour to the classroom is by using coloured paper. Teachers can organise arts and crafts sessions with the students to decorate the classroom, which is another fun activity to keep classes interesting for the students.

#4 Have an Awards Section

Students learn best when they are motivated and a great way to keep them driven is by rewarding achievements. Oftentimes, it is only the high achievers that win most school-based awards and this can cause weaker students to feel left out and unmotivated. Therefore, having a special awards program for your own classroom is a great way to encourage the weaker students and make them feel appreciated as well. 

A teacher gives an high five to her student.

Apart from awarding the top performers, teachers can also create unique awards like “Most Helpful”, “Class Sports Star”, “Most Improved”, “Friendship Award”, “Kindest Kid” etc. These will give every student a chance to be valued and feel included regardless of their academic prowess.


Feel free to invite the parents for the awards ceremony as well so that they can see how their children are doing in school. Remember, celebrating success is one of the best ways to give students extra drive to perform well in class.

#5 Have a Games Corner

Games are a great addition to any class, as they enable students to play amongst themselves and foster a closer relationship with one another while they learn. Also, games can help to reduce stress especially when examinations are looming.


Board games are amazing tools to teach students strategy, cooperation skills, and leadership. 

A game of Boggle for students' fun time.

Board games like Scrabble and Boggle help to improve language mastery, Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride are amazing tools to teach students strategy and problem-solving skills, while Menara and Forbidden are great for inculcating leadership and cooperation.


You can also incorporate them as teaching aids to develop a more interesting way to teach your lessons, apart from the typical textbook and blackboard way of teaching. This will help the students absorb information better and remember their lessons longer.


Hope these few tips help make your classroom experience a wonderful one for both teacher and student!

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